import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import pyrtools as pt
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

3. Steerable pyramids

The steerable pyramid transform given below is described in: E P Simoncelli and W T Freeman.
The Steerable Pyramid: A Flexible Architecture for Multi-Scale Derivative Computation.
IEEE Second Int’l Conf on Image Processing.
Washington DC, October 1995.
Online access:

The steerable pyramid is a multi-scale representation that is translation-invariant, but that also includes representation of orientation. Furthermore, the representation of orientation is designed to be rotation-invariant. The basis/projection functions are oriented (steerable) filters, localized in space and frequency. It is overcomplete to avoid aliasing. And it is “self-inverting” (like the QMF/Wavelet transform): the projection functions and basis functions are identical. The mathematical phrase for a transform obeying this property is “tight frame”.

The system diagram for the steerable pyramid (described in the reference given below) is as follows:

 IM ---> fhi0 -----------------> H0 ---------------- fhi0 ---> RESULT
     |                                                     |
     |                                                     |
     |-> flo0 ---> fl1/down2 --> L1 --> up2/fl1 ---> flo0 -|
               |                                 |
               |----> fb0 -----> B0 ----> fb0 ---|
               |                                 |
               |----> fb1 -----> B1 ----> fb1 ---|
               .                                 .
               .                                 .
               |----> fbK -----> BK ----> fbK ---|

The filters {fhi0,flo0} are used to initially split the image into a highpass residual band H0 and a lowpass subband. This lowpass band is then split into a low(er)pass band L1 and K+1 oriented subbands {B0,B1,…,BK}. The representatation is substantially overcomplete. The pyramid is built by recursively splitting the lowpass band (L1) using the inner portion of the diagram (i.e., using the filters {fl1,fb0,fb1,…,fbK}). The resulting transform is overcomplete by a factor of 4k/3.

The scale tuning of the filters is constrained by the recursive system diagram. The orientation tuning is constrained by requiring the property of steerability. A set of filters form a steerable basis if they 1) are rotated copies of each other, and 2) a copy of the filter at any orientation may be computed as a linear combination of the basis filters. The simplest examples of steerable filters is a set of N+1 Nth-order directional derivatives.

3.1. Spatial Domain construction

3.1.1. Choose a filter set

options are: ‘sp0_filters’, ‘sp1_filters’, ‘sp3_filters’, ‘sp5_filters’

filters = pt.steerable_filters('sp3_filters')

fsz = int(np.round(np.sqrt(filters['bfilts'].shape[0])))
fsz = np.array([fsz, fsz])
nfilts = filters['bfilts'].shape[1]
nrows = int(np.floor(np.sqrt(nfilts)))

import scipy.signal as sps
# Look at the oriented bandpass filters:
filtList = []
for f in range(nfilts):
    filtList.append(sps.convolve2d(filters['bfilts'][:,f].reshape(fsz), filters['lo0filt']))

pt.imshow(filtList, vrange='auto', zoom=3);
# Try "steering" to a new orientation (new_ori in degrees):
new_ori = 22
# new_ori = 360*np.random.rand(1)[0]

pt.imshow( sps.convolve2d( pt.pyramids.steer(filters['bfilts'],
                                      new_ori * np.pi/180).reshape(fsz),
                           filters['lo0filt']), 'auto', zoom=3);
# Look at Fourier transform magnitudes:
lo0filt = filters['lo0filt']
bfilts = filters['bfilts']
lo0 = np.fft.fftshift(np.abs(np.fft.fft2(filters['lo0filt'], (64,64)))) # zero padding
fsum = np.zeros(lo0.shape)
imgList = []
for f in range(bfilts.shape[1]):
    flt = bfilts[:,f].reshape(fsz)
    freq = lo0 * np.fft.fftshift(np.abs(np.fft.fft2(flt, (64,64))))
    fsum += freq**2

pt.imshow(imgList, 'auto', zoom=3, col_wrap= 4);
# The filters sum to a smooth annular ring:
pt.imshow(fsum, 'auto', 3);

3.1.2. Visualizing steerable pyramid coefficients of an image

im = plt.imread('../DATA/Curie.pgm').astype(float)
# im = pt.blurDn(im, 1, 'qmf9')
# pt.imshow(im);

filt = 'sp3_filters' # There are 4 orientations for this filter
pyr = pt.pyramids.SteerablePyramidSpace(im, height=4, order=3)
# Look at first (vertical) bands, different scales:
imgList = []
for s in range(pyr.num_scales):
    band = pyr.pyr_coeffs[(s,0)]
pt.imshow(imgList, col_wrap=4);
# look at all orientation bands at one level (scale):
imgList = []
for b in range(pyr.num_orientations):
    band = pyr.pyr_coeffs[(1,b)]

pt.imshow(imgList, zoom=2, col_wrap=4);
# look at one level and band (ie. scale and orientation):
pt.imshow(pyr.pyr_coeffs[(3,1)], 'auto', zoom=4);
# To access the high-pass and low-pass bands:
low = pyr.pyr_coeffs['residual_lowpass']
high = pyr.pyr_coeffs['residual_highpass']
pt.imshow([low, high]);
# Display the whole pyramid (except for the highpass residual band),
# Note that images are shown at same size for ease of visulization:

3.1.3. Steering

Spin a level of the pyramid, interpolating (steering to) intermediate orienations

s = 2 # pick a scale
lev = np.array([pyr.pyr_coeffs[(s, i)] for i in range(pyr.num_orientations)])
n = lev[0].shape[0] * lev[0].shape[1]
# create a matrix containing outputs of the pyramid in long columns
lev2 = np.concatenate((lev[0].reshape((n,1)),
# print(lev.shape, lev2.shape)

filters = pt.steerable_filters(filt)

k = 32
M = np.empty((k, lev.shape[1], lev.shape[2]))

for frame in range(k):
    steered_im = pt.pyramids.steer(lev2, 2 * np.pi*frame/k,
    M[frame] = steered_im
# NOTE: to show the animation properly, make sure ffmpeg is installed. For anaconda users do:
# conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg

pt.animshow(M, framerate=6, zoom=4, repeat=True)

3.1.4. Reconstruction

Note that the filters are not perfect, although they are good enough for most applications.

res = pyr.recon_pyr()
pt.imshow([im, res, im - res]); # note the different range of the error subplot
pt.image_compare(im, res);
Difference statistics:
  Range: [-113, 22]
  Mean: -0.770771,  Stdev (rmse): 7.192672,  SNR (dB): 21.011911

As with previous pyramids, you can select subsets of the levels and orientation bands to be included in the reconstruction. For example:

# All levels (including highpass and lowpass residuals), one orientation:
pt.imshow(pyr.recon_pyr(levels='all', bands=[0]));
# Without the highpass and lowpass:
pt.imshow(pyr.recon_pyr(levels=range(pyr.num_scales), bands=[0]));

3.2. Frequency domain construction

We also provide an implementation of the Steerable pyramid in the Frequency domain. The advantages are perfect-reconstruction (within floating-point error), and any number of orientation bands. The disadvantages are that it is typically slower, and the boundary handling is always circular.

3.2.1. Impulse response

sz = 128
empty_image = np.zeros((sz,sz))
pyr = pt.pyramids.SteerablePyramidFreq(empty_image, height='auto', order=3)

### Put an  impulse into the middle of each band:
for k, v in pyr.pyr_size.items():
    mid = (v[0]//2, v[1]//2)
#     print(lev, mid)
    pyr.pyr_coeffs[k][mid] = 1
# pt.pyrshow(pyr.pyr_coeffs, vrange='indep1');

# And take a look at the reconstruction of each band:
reconList = []
for k in pyr.pyr_coeffs.keys():
    if isinstance(k, tuple):
        reconList.append(pyr.recon_pyr(k[0], k[1]))
for k in ['residual_highpass', 'residual_lowpass']:

pt.imshow(reconList, col_wrap=pyr.num_orientations, vrange='indep1');
# now in the frequency domain
freq = 2 * np.pi * np.array(range(-sz//2,(sz//2)))/sz
imgList = []
for k in pyr.pyr_coeffs.keys():
    if isinstance(k, tuple):
        basisFn = pyr.recon_pyr(k[0], k[1])
        basisFmag = np.fft.fftshift(np.abs(np.fft.fft2(basisFn, (sz,sz))))

for k in ['residual_highpass', 'residual_lowpass']:
    basisFn = pyr.recon_pyr(k)
    basisFmag = np.fft.fftshift(np.abs(np.fft.fft2(basisFn, (sz,sz))))

pt.imshow(imgList, col_wrap=pyr.num_orientations);

3.2.2. Visualization and reconstruction

# 4 levels, 5 orientation bands
pyr = pt.pyramids.SteerablePyramidFreq(im, height=4, order=4)
res = pyr.recon_pyr()
pt.image_compare(im,res);  # nearly perfect

pt.imshow([im, res, im-res]); # note the different range of the error subplot
Difference statistics:
  Range: [0, 0]
  Mean: 0.000000,  Stdev (rmse): 0.000334,  SNR (dB): 107.682181

3.2.3. Steerability in the frequency domain

Just as in the spatial domain, this frequency domain construction of the pyramid can be steered to other orientations than those used when constructing the pyramid.

We use again the steer_coeffs method, and visualize it’s effect both in the spatial and frequency domains.

num_orientations_steered = 120
steered_coeffs, steering_vectors = pyr.steer_coeffs([i*np.pi/180
                                            for i in np.linspace(-180, 180, num_orientations_steered)])

steered_coeffs_dft = {}
for k, v in steered_coeffs.items():
    steered_coeffs_dft[k] = np.fft.fftshift(np.abs(np.fft.fft2(v,
                                                s=pyr.pyr_coeffs[(k[0], 0)].shape)))
pt.animshow(np.array([steered_coeffs[(0, i)] for i in range(num_orientations_steered)]),
                   framerate=12, repeat=True)
pt.animshow(np.array([steered_coeffs_dft[(0, i)] for i in range(num_orientations_steered)]),
            framerate=12, repeat=True)
pt.animshow(np.array([steered_coeffs[(1, i)] for i in range(num_orientations_steered)]),
            framerate=12, zoom=2, repeat=True)
pt.animshow(np.array([steered_coeffs_dft[(1, i)] for i in range(num_orientations_steered)]),
            framerate=12, zoom=2, repeat=True)
[ ]:

# the steering weighting vectors
for i in range(pyr.num_orientations):
    plt.plot(np.vstack([steering_vectors[(0, j)] for j in range(num_orientations_steered)])[:, i])
# expected harmonics (up to sapling error)
i = np.random.choice(pyr.num_orientations)
sp = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(np.vstack([steering_vectors[(1, j)] for j in range(num_orientations_steered)])[:, i]))
plt.stem(np.abs(sp)[sp.shape[0] // 2 : sp.shape[0] // 2 + pyr.num_orientations * 2]);
[ ]:

3.2.4. Complex valued Steerable Pyramid

as described in: A parametric texture model based on joint statistics of complex wavelet coefficients J Portilla and E P Simoncelli. Int’l Journal of Computer Vision, vol.40(1), pp. 49–71, Dec 2000 http://www.cns.nyu.edu/pub/eero/portilla99-reprint.pdf

pyr = pt.pyramids.SteerablePyramidFreq(im, order=2, is_complex=True)
# twice as many orientations
# filters organized in quadrature pair
# note that this construction is not steerable
#note need additional argument pyr.is_complex to pyrshow because default is False
pt.pyrshow(pyr.pyr_coeffs, pyr.is_complex);